It Takes a (confidential) Village

It’s ok to not be ok…and it’s always ok to seek out help without fear. When you reach out to us, please know our volunteers are heavily vetted and that your information is absolutely confidential.

Because there is strength in numbers.

Empowering Community Members

person holding gold ring in dark room
person holding gold ring in dark room

How Can We Help?

Sometimes, we don't even need things...we just need to know who we can turn to. So whether you are looking for housing items for a new refugee neighbor (yes, in Caledonia!), need help navigating education services for your exceptional child, or feel like you are ready to leave an unhealthy situation...let us reach into our community and see what we can do to get you moving in the right direction - without fear of judgement.

Service Request Form

Supporting Local Initiatives

Sometimes you know what you need…you just need a little help finding it. Whether it’s diapers or inclusive mental health services, we’re here to point you in the right direction.

"I didn't necessarily need a 'handout', I just needed to know which professionals I could trust to care for my child without doing additional harm. I appreciated having someone help me find a practice that was inclusive and accepting of our family dynamic."


person holding heart shaped red balloon
person holding heart shaped red balloon
